Troubleshooting Google Built-In Capability | Chevrolet

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Troublehooting Troubleshooting issues with your infotainment system and Google Built-in compatibility

If you’re having trouble with the features of your infotainment system or Google  try these steps to help fix them.

Symptoms / troubleshooting steps

Do this first

If you’re having trouble with your infotainment system with Google built-in compatibility, you can reboot your system. This option is only available on vehicles equipped with Google built-in.

  1. Your vehicle must be in PARK to reboot your system.
  2. Press and hold the END CALL button on your steering wheel for about 15 seconds until your center screen turns black, then release the END CALL button.
  3. After approximately 5-10 seconds, you will see the welcome screen and your infotainment system will reboot itself.

If your issues are related to pairing your phone, learn how to troubleshoot issues with 

Features are locked out while driving

Certain features that might cause distraction while you’re driving are not available while the vehicle is in motion. These are usually features that would require you to type something on the screen, like entering an address in Google Maps. Depending on your model, the features may be unavailable even if you have a passenger in your front seat. Instead, try using your vehicle’s Voice Assistant features.

Learn more about Voice Assistant options

Album art looks fuzzy

If equipped and you’re listening to audio through Apple  or Android  the album art shown on your display depends on the size and resolution of the image that’s provided along with the audio selection. If it’s small or the resolution is low, it might appear stretched or fuzzy on your infotainment screen.

Learn more about Apple CarPlay

Learn more about Android Auto

I don’t want to see my navigation in the cluster

If you don’t want to see your navigation in the cluster display, you can change the view in one of two ways:

  • To turn off the upcoming turn card displayed in your cluster, tap the SETTINGS icon > Display Settings > Instrument Cluster, then toggle off Turn-by-Turn.
  • To turn off Map View, which displays a map in your cluster, you can choose a different cluster display. The way you do this varies by vehicle. See your Owner’s Manual for details on how to change your cluster view.

Audio prompts are too loud or too quiet

You can adjust the audio volume for prompts, including Google  Google Maps or phone call audio volume, by simply turning the volume dial up or down while the prompt is in progress. The volume of each feature must be adjusted separately.

  • While using Google Assistant, when an audio command/prompt is in progress, turn the volume knob to the desired level.
  • While using Google Maps, when an audio command/prompt is in progress, turn the volume knob to the desired level. You can also tap the gear icon in Maps, select Guidance Audio and then play a test sound to adjust the volume.
  • During an active phone call through the infotainment system, turn the volume knob to the desired level.

For your security, please don’t include personal info such as phone number, address or credit card details.

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To find out if your vehicle has this feature, contact your dealer or refer to your vehicle’s equipment list. Please check your vehicle Owner’s Manual for more information about features.